Saturday, August 29, 2009

One week until Columbus

This time next week the flight will arrived back from Columbus Ohio as Navy will have taken its best shot at the Buckeyes.

Im looking forward to seeing the place up close, but today, I saw the St. Thomas Aquinas, a private school of 2,000, with Chris Carter coaching its wide receivers, destroy a top Ohio team in Upper Arlington. U really dont understand what Im saying, STA started the second half with its third-string quarterback in the game. STA dominated at the shoe, the Buckeyes can only hope they get some of those kids.

Hey that was a real good NFL half of football between the Pats and the Skins. Tom Brady, hardly knew you were hurt last year. Jason Campbell, yes you are better than that Colt guy drunk Redskins fans want to replace you with.

The offensive line still needs to run block better, but JC took major strides forward last night.

The Mids went through a final scrimmage on Friday. Im never going to give away trade secrets...oh wait, you can come watch the Mids practice. Its a rare concept in CFB these days. Kudos to Navy for letting people still watch how football game preparation goes on. By the way, to all you paranoid coaches....Your games are on TV, people know your schemes, give it a rest.

Hoping California has enough to beat Taipei in College World Series tomorrow. However, as I have said, Little League needs to change its archaic rules. 13 yr olds pitching from 46-feet, is a joke. I have already sent LLB a email offering to umpire next year. The strike zones have been so bad, Gary Thorne three times has called picthes balls, that were indeed called strikes by the umps, and for once, the broadcaster was right. A pitch was a FOOOOOT outside, STRIKEEEEEEE...Stop it already.

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